MSIV Sub-Internship

Applications for the 2023-2024 academic year will be available on March 1st, 2023 via VSLO. 

Applications for Sub-Internships are coordinated through the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校大卫·格芬医学院 .  Applicants can visit the DGSOM website for a course description and instructions on how to apply. All application materials must be received at least two months prior to the start date of the elective.

I am a 美国/加拿大 医科学生.


由于课程供应有限, our international student elective program is now only open to pre-selected students from schools with which we have established reciprocal exchange agreements. 谢谢您的理解. 


Rounds begin at 0600, or as scheduled by the inpatient chief. 在轮换的第一天, students should report to the 6 West Round Room to pre-round with the assigned intern. If you get lost please page the intern using the virtual pager system (ext. 89006). 寻呼接线员也可拨打(310)825.6301.


The overall goal of this sub-internship is to provide you with a broad exposure to the clinical and surgical management of 整形手术 patients. 在整形外科总住院医师的指导下, you participate as a member of the plastic surgery team and attend the following:

  • 晨间查房和病人管理
  • 住院和门诊手术
  • 门诊
  • 多学科颅面门诊
  • 整形外科教学会议

在你的实习期间, you will see a variety of cases including general reconstruction, 乳房手术, 颅面外科手术, 还有整容手术.


  • Obtain daily sign-out from the chief resident before leaving the hospital.
  • Participate in afternoon rounds with the chief resident (if you are not operating).
  • 在轮换期间的一个周末与球队进行轮训. 
  • Participate in any overnight call surgeries or procedures (encouraged, but not required).  
  • Observe the following cases during your time with the craniofacial team:
    • 耳朵重建
    • 唇裂修复
    • 腭裂修复
    • 勒福特截骨术
  • Observe the following cases during your time with the breast team:
    • 乳房自由皮瓣再造
    • 通过组织扩张器重建乳房
    • 乳房缩小术 
    • 乳头/乳晕重建
  • Observe the following cases during your time with the cosmetic / general reconstruction team:
    • 腹壁整形术
    • 整容术
    • 隆胸
    • BSC / SCC切除术
    • 摩氏关闭
    • 移植的皮肤
  • Keep a log of all of your cases that includes the patient's MRN, 迹象, 诊断, 治疗计划, 了来, 和并发症.  You make note of your role in the case (observer, first assist, etc.),并准备好讨论每个案例.
  • 离职面谈:学生将会见博士. Rudkin博士. 达里奥在他们的最后一周轮换. Please note that the interview will serve as your interview for the residency program. Please contact 雨果·曼宁斯 to schedule your exit interview.


  • 我们只为访问学生提供皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的评估.
  • 要求, 雨果·曼宁斯 will provide you with a copy of your student performance evaluation, which may be sent directly to your home school after the completion of the elective.
  • All visiting students will be required to complete a brief evaluation of elective clerkships and sub-internships and on teaching faculty. Students will receive an e-mail with evaluation instructions and links to the computerized UCLA evaluation system which protects student anonymity.

You will be evaluated by a member of the faculty and by the 整形手术 Chief Resident.

A. 患者评价
The plastic surgery patient often has a very focused problem.  You will be exposed to evaluation and management of such problems.  The H&P should be aimed at focusing on the specific problem and salient concerns related to the problem as the primary goal of the evaluation. 

Plastic surgery patients often have multiple medical problems that will need to be addressed as well. 这些都应该作为你评估的一部分. Many of the new patients that you see will have either undergone surgery or will require surgery. 因此,一个综合的H&P仍然是必需的. 

You will also begin to develop skills succinct oral presentation skills (i.e的相关点的H&P) to the residents and attending faculty on inpatient wards and in the outpatient clinic setting.

B. 整形和重建外科的诊断方面
在轮换结束的时候, you should be familiar with a variety of diagnostic modalities in the field of plastic surgery, 注意他们的暗示, 限制, 风险和替代方案. These include CT scan, MRI, and biopsy/ pathology evaluation of the presenting problem.

C. 外科处置
You will have operative exposure to inpatient and outpatient plastic and reconstructive surgery, and should become familiar with the preoperative evaluation of these patients, as well as the basic instrumentation utilized for various procedures. You should gain knowledge of the potential risks of the surgery that you are observing, as well as the postoperative care and follow-up that will be required. 


You are encouraged to check the schedule regularly and should plan to attend all conferences and lectures that are scheduled during your elective. 晚宴的着装要求是商务休闲装.


My institution requires that I do a four week elective rotation. 我可以申请四周的选修课轮岗吗?

If your institution requires that you do a four week rotation, 我们将尽力为您提供方便. 请联系雨果·曼宁斯了解更多信息. 


Students who have been invited to participate in the sub-internship should visit the 大卫·格芬医学院访问学生 有关房屋的更多信息. 


和我们一起轮换的学生通常是走路, Uber, and/or utilize public transportation to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center. Students who wish to park on campus will need to purchase daily parking permits ($13/day). 


  • AAMC标准化免疫接种表
  • 简历/简历
  • 推荐信
  • 个人健康保险证明
  • step1 / complex评分报告
  • 成绩单
  • DGSOM照片身份证申请表(VSLO表格)
  • HIPAA隐私 & 资讯保安培训证书(VSLO表格)
  • MITS保密声明(VSLO格式)


协调员: 雨果·曼宁斯

Email: (电子邮件保护)


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校塑料学部 & 整形外科手术