
我们领先的妇科护理专家提供专业服务,以满足您的每一个需求. We’re here to help, 无论你是在寻找一个健康检查或治疗妇科疾病.
Female Patient and Doctor

Why choose UCLA Health for gynecology care?

我们是全国综合妇科服务和治疗的领导者之一,提供良好的效果. You can trust our compassionate, 从常规预防检查到复杂疾病的治疗,都有熟练的专家.

At UCLA Health, you find:

Trusted expertise: 我们的知名供应商专注于妇科健康的各个领域. 我们在妇产科护理方面排名全国前10位 U.S. News and World Report.

Compassionate care: Experiencing gynecological symptoms can feel frustrating. Our specialists listen to your worries, 讨论你的症状,并建议检查,以查明你的不适的原因.

Comprehensive services: 我们经验丰富的团队支持您的妇科健康,从预防保健到高级治疗, including minimally invasive surgery. We also offer family planning resources.

Specialized programs: 在我们的专业妇科项目中,为您的独特需求找到训练有素的医生. We offer convenient, dedicated clinics for pelvic pain, family planning, fertility and reproductive health, fibroids and pelvic floor health.

Our gynecological areas of care

At UCLA Health, specialists provide compassionate, expert care for the full range of gynecological health needs. We offer:

Wellness exams

我们提供例行的健康检查,检查您和您的妇科健康. These visits help you prevent disease and infection. 我们的专家也会利用这段时间来讨论您可能有的任何问题或担忧.

At your well-visit, you can expect:

  • Screening tests for preventable conditions
  • Menstrual health evaluation
  • Sexual health discussion
  • Reproductive life planning
  • Gynecological concerns conversation

我们建议您在预约前做好准备,以充分利用您的健康访问. Try to:

  • Have your medical history on hand, including information about previous pap smears, vaccinations, mammograms and sexually transmitted infection (STI) tests.
  • 了解您想与您的供应商讨论的任何问题的细节, including when they started and for how long.
  • 想想你对性生活或性健康的担忧.
  • 反思你的生育计划(你是否想要孩子), and how you’d like to accomplish your goals).
  • 注意你的其他妇科问题以及它们是如何影响你的生活的.

Chronic Pelvic Pain Program

Experts in our Chronic Pelvic Pain Program 使用最新的工具和技术来诊断慢性(长期)疼痛的根源. 我们使用成像、疼痛图和诊断程序来确定或确认诊断. 然后,我们与您一起制定治疗计划,使用最有效的治疗方法(非手术或手术)来缓解您的症状.

Family planning

Family planning services are for anyone looking to prevent pregnancy, start a family or simply learn about your options. Our team offers personalized care, counseling and referrals for contraception (birth control), fertility, prenatal care, pregnancy and more.

Fertility and Reproductive Health Center

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康生育和生殖健康中心是南皇冠hga025一家著名的诊所. We treat conditions such as irregular periods, endometriosis, infertility and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Our team specializes in fertility evaluations and treatments, fertility preservation, genetic counseling, family planning and reproductive surgery. Learn more about the fertility and reproductive health care we offer.

Uterine Fibroid Program

We provide comprehensive fibroid care to reduce pain, bleeding, 子宫肌瘤(子宫内的异常生长)引起的压力和其他并发症. Using advanced imaging techniques, we diagnose fibroids and tailor treatment to your specific condition. 在可能的情况下,我们熟练的团队提供非手术治疗和微创手术.

Urogynecology and pelvic health

我们由皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的泌尿妇科医生和泌尿科医生组成的多专业团队 Center for Women’s Pelvic Health treat all types of pelvic floor disorders. 我们提供非侵入性治疗以及先进的外科治疗.

Conditions we treat

Our gynecologists care for your pelvic and reproductive health. We offer treatments for a range of conditions, including:

Conditions affecting the uterus, 如子宫肌瘤(子宫内生长)和子宫内膜异位症(子宫外异常和疼痛的组织生长)

Infections, 例如尿路感染、性传播感染和酵母菌感染

Ovarian conditions, 如卵巢囊肿(卵巢内异常充满液体的生长)和多囊卵巢综合征, an imbalance of reproductive hormones)

Pelvic floor disorders, such as incontinence, urinary problems and pain

Menstrual disorders and menopause, including premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and abnormal bleeding

Vaginal pain, 例如外阴痛(阴道开口周围的不适或疼痛)和性交困难(性交疼痛)。

Gynecology tests and procedures we offer

我们既提供预防保健服务,也提供先进的妇科治疗. 您可以信赖我们的专家为您提供富有同情心的护理,让您感到舒适, heard and hopeful.

Annual gynecological exams

每年给我们的医生做妇科检查,检查你的骨盆和乳房健康. 您的医生会讨论您可能出现的任何症状并检查异常情况, causes of pain or signs of infection.

Advanced testing

我们提供阴道感染的检测和医学治疗,如尿路感染和酵母菌感染. Your gynecologist may test for STIs at your request, or if they suspect a sexually transmitted infection such as:

  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • Hepatitis B or C
  • Herpes simplex virus (herpes or HSV)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
  • Syphilis

Breast cancer screening

我们每年提供使用x射线成像的乳腺癌筛查(乳房x光检查). 美国癌症协会(ACA)支持在40岁到44岁之间开始筛查,并建议从45岁开始每年进行一次乳房x光检查. After age 54, ACA建议,只要你身体健康,就继续每年筛查一次,或者每隔一年筛查一次.

Contraception (birth control) options

我们提供了几种预防怀孕的方法,以便您可以决定何时以及是否要孩子. 根据您的个人喜好和生育需要,我们可能会建议:

  • Barrier methods, such as condoms and diaphragms
  • 激素避孕药,如避孕药、贴片、避孕环或注射剂
  • Intrauterine device (IUD), which may be hormonal or nonhormonal
  • Tubal ligation or vasectomy surgery to permanently prevent pregnancy
  • Other non-hormonal contraception, including fertility-based methods

Read more about the types of birth control we offer through our family planning services.

Nonsurgical gynecological treatments

我们的专家提供一系列非手术治疗,并在需要时将您推荐给其他专家. 根据您的情况及其严重程度,我们可能会建议以下干预措施:

  • Medications and injections
  • Physical therapy
  • Dietary management
  • Complementary therapies, such as acupuncture

Gynecological surgery

我们的专家使用先进的外科技术来治疗各种疾病, including fibroids, endometriosis and pelvic floor disorders.

Whenever possible, we do minimally invasive gynecological surgery. 微创意味着我们使用的切口比传统的(开放)手术更少、更小. This technique can lead to less pain and a faster recovery time, so you can return to your daily activities as soon as possible.

Meet the team

You receive exceptional care from a team of specialists, including expert gynecologists, urogynecologists and gynecological surgeons. 我们共同努力,优先考虑您的健康,并以同情和技能提供生殖保健.

Contact us

Call 310-794-7274 了解更多皇冠hga025妇科服务的信息或预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心.

Find your care

我们提供妇科护理,满足您所有的盆腔和生殖健康需求. To learn more about our gynecological services, call 310-794-7274.