
Our experts have decades of experience providing advanced treatments for aortic disease. We perform all types of endovascular and aortic valve repair procedures.



The 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Aortic Center is a recognized Center of Excellence in aortic care. 来自世界各地的患者向我们寻求专业知识. Our specialists have decades of experience treating aortic disease. We don’t just use the latest techniques – in many cases, we helped develop them.


权威专家治疗: Specialists in the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Aortic Center have made some of the most significant breakthroughs in treating aortic disease. 例如,我们帮助开发了一种叫做混合修复的手术. And we performed some of the first minimally invasive repairs in the country. 我们也是美国仅有的几个中心之一.S. that offers a highly specialized minimally invasive surgery for bulges in the bend of the aorta (aortic arch aneurysms).

以患者为中心,便捷护理: 我们的专家制定个性化的治疗方案. We focus on lifestyle changes as well as medical management for a comprehensive care approach. 现场先进成像, 我们可以有效地协调你的全面医疗评估, 通常在一次办公室访问中. 

团队的方法: 我们的护理团队包括心脏外科专家, 血管手术, 麻醉学, 心脏病学和放射学. This coordinated approach allows us to offer comprehensive diagnosis and a well-rounded treatment plan.

微创技术: 我们可以用微创方法治疗大多数主动脉问题, 这意味着更少的病人需要开腹手术. These treatments also mean less pain, faster recovery and a shorter hospital stay.


The aorta is our largest artery, responsible for carrying oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. Conditions that affect the aorta can lead to life-threatening complications. The 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Aortic Center is world-renowned for the diagnosis, 各种类型主动脉疾病的评估和治疗.


动脉瘤: Irregular bulges in the aorta, which can split the artery walls (dissection) or burst (rupture)

主动脉瓣解剖: Tears in the aorta’s walls, leading to blood leaks that can be life-threatening

主动脉闭塞性疾病: 主动脉血流阻塞

主动脉瓣疾病: A condition in which the valve between the heart’s pumping chamber (left ventricle) and the aorta doesn’t work correctly

  • 主动脉瓣返流: 当主动脉瓣不能正常关闭时, causing blood to leak backward from the aorta to the left ventricle 
  • 主动脉瓣狭窄: 当主动脉瓣变窄时,会限制正常的血液流动 

外伤性主动脉损伤: 造成刺穿的伤害, 主动脉撕裂或擦伤, often occurring because of a motor vehicle accident or gunshot wound


主动脉弓动脉瘤: 主动脉弯曲处不规则隆起(主动脉弓)

主动脉炎: 主动脉发炎

二尖瓣主动脉瓣: An aortic valve that only has two flaps instead of the usual three, 常导致瓣膜狭窄

马凡氏综合症: A genetic disorder that affects connective tissue, often leading to an aortic aneurysm

Tests & 我们提供的程序

Our specialists offer a range of services to diagnose and treat aortic conditions, including:


准确诊断始于先进的影像学检查. 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校主动脉健康中心, we use state-of-the-art technology that offers unmatched precision in detecting aortic disease. 成像选项包括:

血管造影: The doctor uses a small flexible tube (catheter) to send a contrast dye to the coronary arteries. 与x射线, the doctor can track the flow of the contrast dye through the arteries and aorta to detect blockages.

CT scan: These tests use computers and low doses of radiation to capture reliable images of the aorta. We can also combine CT scans with contrast dye to get higher-resolution images of the aorta. 

双源CT扫描: We were among the first centers in the country with an imaging machine called a dual-source 128-slice CT scan. This machine allows us to quickly capture detailed images with significantly reduced radiation doses.

双超声: This test combines traditional sound wave technology with a Doppler ultrasound. 在胸腔外面用超声波棒, the doctor tracks the movement and speed of blood flow through the aorta.

血管内超声(IVUS): 与IVUS, the doctor places an ultrasound device inside the artery to examine the aorta from the inside out. This allows us to view high-definition images of aortic ulcers, aneurysms or dissections.

MRI: This noninvasive scan uses powerful magnets and radio waves to obtain highly detailed images. We use advanced MRI techniques to evaluate blood flow in the aorta and branch vessels.

核灌注成像: This test enables doctors to compare how the heart performs at rest with how it acts under stress. The test involves injecting a safe radioactive tracer into the patient’s bloodstream, 然后用成像来观察示踪剂的移动方式和位置.


Our specialists offer a full range of minimally invasive treatments, 其中很多都是在我们的手术室里开发的. 我们执行:

血管内主动脉修复(EVAR): Surgeons use EVAR to treat an abdominal aortic aneurysm by placing a small mesh tube (stent graft) in the damaged part of the aorta. The surgeon places the stent using a thin tube (catheter) inserted into an artery through small incisions in the groin.

开窗血管内主动脉修复术(FEVAR): Surgeons use FEVAR when an aneurysm or dissection occurs where the blood vessels from the abdominal aorta (renal arteries) branch off to the kidneys. Fenestrated stent grafts have holes that line up with these arteries. 这些小孔允许血液流向肾脏和其他器官.

混合修复: This two-stage procedure combines a less-invasive open surgery with an endovascular approach. 外科医生使用开腹手术来恢复血液流动, 然后用微创的方法来修复主动脉. Doctors perform this surgery on patients who are too high-risk for a traditional open procedure.

经导管主动脉瓣置换术: TAVR替代严重狭窄的主动脉瓣. The surgeon inserts a thin tube (catheter) into an artery in the groin and implants the valve through the catheter. 


Our vascular surgeons and cardiothoracic surgeons are leaders in aortic disease treatment. We’re renowned for our expertise in performing the latest minimally invasive endovascular techniques. 在许多情况下,我们甚至帮助开发它们.


Call 310-206-6294 to request an appointment with an aortic specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


我们的专家是治疗主动脉疾病的专家. 欲了解更多有关我们的服务,请致电 310-206-6294.